Friday, January 15, 2010

A Word of Warning

I can destroy cities,
Though I can't hold a candle to some,
But I can do more damage than most,
And I'm ready for you to know the truth.

A word of warning,
You might never know,
The worth of your words,
The strength behind them,
to bring on destruction,
You're own is in the works.

My very essence has brought forth,
The reign of kings and queens,
It has also brought the destruction of worlds,
Kingdoms and nations,
Until the world comes to an end,
I will be on a path to exalt and destroy,
Anything, Everything,
All you hold dear.

You will use me,
Because you always have,
Cheaters and Preachers,
You're not exception,
And I will never grow tired of it,
I am eternal, I am immortal,
I am eternal, I am immortal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Careful Who You Ignore (Poetry)

You can't hear the pain in my voice,
Because you've never given me the time of day,
Your apologies wouldn't fall short,
If they ever left your lips,
You don't even notice how much I've praised you,
Because you are too stuck on yourself.

Maybe I've got it all wrong,
You probably heard my story,
And made the same assumptions,
I'm just another fake,
That needs to learn a lesson.

I don't think you realize the gravity of your absence,
You haven't looked my way but maybe twice,
And you think you have it all figured out,
But you're wrong.
I wish you could hear my story from my mouth,
But you won't have any of it,
Because you already know it all.

If only one kind word would escape you,
I might just make it through this,
But you won't give me the time of day,
Because you're just too busy,
As I slip away, into nothing,
Maybe you'll realize,
But as you hear the news,
You just think I wanted just anyone's attentions...

...the thing is, all I wanted was yours.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Finger Pointing At You, One Finger Pointing At Me

Comfort only goes so far,
If you're not willing to move,
Your situation will stay the same,
If you're not willing to change,
Your life will never be what it was intended.

Get up, get up,
You are only hurting yourself,
Comfort will not remain,
Comfort will only betray,
Get up, and make something of yourself.

Why aren't you willing to make a move,
You have nothing to lose,
Slowly slipping into appathy,
Your time is running out my dear.

It's time to do something with yourself,
If you aren't willing to take a risk,
You will lose everything,
You will be lost to it...

Comfort betrays